
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ideas for parties

Have you ever thought about what to do for a birthday party or just fun parties? Well I have some ideas... This party idea I like to call the color fun party. What you will need for this party is sand paper, sidewalk chalk, white t shirts, surgical masks, plastic cups, and safety glasses. First you will take the chalk, the cups, and the sandpaper you will scrape the chalk on the sandpaper it should go into the cup. Then you should put on all white shirt pants/shorts and shoes. Each party member should have at least one cup of chalk dust the cups should have different chalk dusts in them. Put on the surgical masks and safety goggles. Finally you are ready to do the party! You stand in a big group and throw the chalk dust in the air. It comes down and colors you clothes! Have fun!
  Hey I have another great idea this one time in school when we had a Halloween party we had a game we called The Big Bowl of Zombie Brains (The Goo Game). What you will need is...
  • a bag of tapioca you will find in the dried food department of the supermarket.
  • Water
  • food colouring
  • plastic spiders or other charms
  • The preparation,
  • Take the bag of tapioca and put half in a bowl with some water and soak it for 1 hour.
  • drain the water and add more water (not milk as it will say on the packet)
  • Put in the microwave for a few minutes and the stir. repeat this until it starts to go clear
  • When it is clear add the food colouring and mix well. ( it will be very sticky)
  • leave to cool
  • add your spiders or charms.

    The longer you cook the tapioca the more sticky it gets so you can cook it in to a slime that you can roll and mould into shapes   
  • The Game.
  • Blindfold the child and let them put their hand in the very sticky, lumpy cold slime.  They have 30 seconds to grab a charm to win a prize. Enjoy!

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